Dear CHRISTIANS, What is the ORIGIN of SINFUL pride? Yeshua walked with decency despite the crowds who followed and listened…
Dear Christians, One incessant violation committed by HISTORICAL ISRAEL was disregarding the Sabbath, where no work was to be conducted.…
Dear Christians, There is soon coming a day when the fruit of SEEDS SOWN long AGO will be harvested and…
Dear Christians, If you are in declining health and can sense an untimely death knocking at your DOOR, maybe repentance…
Dear Christians, Even among those who do bear children naturally, at some point down the line ADOPTION may be a…
Dear Christians, After you’ve been cut down to SIZE for PERSISTENT DEFIANCE- blaspheming the Holy Spirit, the Father and Son’s…
Dear Christians, It’s EASY to get discouraged over the prevalence of evil in your nation. If you’re desensitized to IMMORALITY,…
Dear Christians, AWAKEN from your dream-like STATE, which AIDS your MISTAKEN PERCEPTION that your walk as a DISCIPLE will be…
Dear Christians, Do you maintain a balance between Heaven and earth, as it relates to your eyes’ focus? It is…
Dear Christians, Israel lacks peace because the Prince of Peace doesn’t currently RESIDE on the throne. That doesn’t release you,…