Dear Christians, Numerous enter the ASSEMBLY with baggage from broken temporal FAMILIES, which often includes fractious SIBLINGS. Sadly, they interact…
Dear Christians, The Church is supposed to be beautifully juxtaposed to the ugliness of the world. When you look HONESTLY-…
Dear Christians, What REASON(S) do you give for any to QUESTION your passion for the Faith? Is it your lack…
Dear Christians, For whom do you save your expression of genuine LOVE? ENOUGH of leaving out the males in the…
Dear Christians, Every member of Yeshua’s Body is lovely to Him. He can handle your present appearance, as a VESSEL…
Dear Christians, How deep is your QUEST for permanent REST from sinful habits? While it is the Spirit who empowers…
Dear Christians, It is NECESSARY for members of the opposite sexes to learn to relate in a more HEALTHY FASHION.…
Dear CHRISTIANS, There is no REASON the topic of sex should be taboo in the Church, as if members of…
Dear Christians, There is work to be done at NIGHT when CRIME is at its worst. There are PERSONS ORCHESTRATING…
Dear Christians, WALKING in wisdom can be EXHAUSTING when all around you is foolery. But, keep up the MOMENTUM. If…