Dear Christians, The Lord shows no favoritism when it comes to serving His PUNISHMENTS for DISOBEDIENCE. When one falls into…
Dear Christians, Not all prophetic utterances in SCRIPTURE came to FRUITION in the immediate FUTURE. STUDYING Biblical timelines ACCURATELY is…
Dear Christians, The Lord’s JUDGEMENTS are JUST, and yet HE’s still a God who loves ARDENTLY. Why, then, MUST there…
Dear Christians, One reason the Lord would raise up ENEMIES against a believer’s COUNTRY is the STEADY worshipping of a…
Dear Christians, One symbol of the Holy Spirit is fire, which is warming- but it also burns. You are delusional…
Dear CHRISTIANS, If you are not attending to your GARDEN, then what do you expect will arise from the ground?…
Dear Christians, The stains of SIN vary in depth in every BORN-AGAIN believer. Yes, you have been CLEANED enough to…
Dear Christians, The Lord, HISTORICALLY, raised up ARMIES to attack the FAITHFUL turned REBEL. The Bible does not indicate He…
Dear Christians, Respecting the faiths of others is good, but not all roads lead to Heaven. Christianity holds the essential…
Dear Christians, GENUINE VISIONS from the Lord are given to anointed leaders of the Church, as identified in the book…