Dear Christians, There are members of Yeshua’s Body who are COMFORTABLE with hearing the GOSPEL, but no more. ACCOUNTABILITY sounds…
Dear Christians, HISTORICALLY, there was a time when the southern Kingdom of Judah was punished for IDOLARY by having her…
Dear Christians, The Holy Spirit is the Chief instructor for BELIEVERS, and all in the Assembly who hold the office…
Dear Christians, Discipline is not just PUNITIVE; it is also CORRECTIVE and solidifying. Yeshua’s followers should never have to experience…
Dear Christians, The FOOTSTEPS of the RIGHTEOUS will not be without uneasiness while walking out the Faith, but that is…
Dear Christians, Picture the beautiful scene of EQUALITY in New Jerusalem, where none will BE without food, drink…or SHELTER from…
Dear Christians, Learn the difference between Legalism and Righteousness: The former requires ADDITIONS to the Law, while the latter is…
Dear Christians, YOU WHO find your strength in the economy of your nation- DO you USE the Most High’s NAME…
Dear Christians, IN the END there won’t be a single WEAPON that will DEFEAT the KING OF KINGS. Following the…
Dear Christians, When you pray for the Most High to INTERVENE in delivering you from ENEMIES be open to the…