Exodus chp.30

Dear Christians, Asking for forgiveness can sometimes TAKE great effort, but relationships are at STAKE; bringing misfortune to former friends…

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Exodus chp.29

Dear Christians, Consecration is a concentrated cleansing PROCESS that necessitates patience; NEVERTHELESS, though grueling, the effects are GRATIFYING and in the eyes…

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Exodus chp.28

Dear Christians, Clothing makes several statements REGARDING your identity; BARRING a lack of understanding about perception, what you WEAR…should remain…

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Exodus chp.23

Dear Christians, Celebrating WICKEDNESS by intimately gathering with MALICE – persons whose hearts and minds are filled with MALEVOLENCE –…

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Exodus chp.22

Dear Christians, BORROWED monies from the poor shouldn’t need returning TOMORROW; those who ASK aren’t BASKING while doing so anyway-…

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