Dear Christians, Immobilizing fear of YHWH is no WAY to walk in the footsteps of Yeshua; if, while laboring in…
Dear Christians, So you are YHWH’s treasured POSSESSION? Here, then, is a SUGGESTION: keep yourselves purified – undefiled – and…
Dear Christians, Though you may feel otherwise, you cannot do “it” all by yourself; the human body is made of…
Dear Christians, False ACCUSATIONS based upon mindless SPECULATIONS will damage the REPUTATION of another; your sister or brother in Christ…
Dear Christians, Your insistence on GRUMBLING at every turn will eventually result in the TUMBLING of your congregation; wisdom dictates…
Dear Christians, It behooves all to have an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE when thinking about your blessings when received; but the…
Dear Christians, When enemies are in PURSUIT, either CONTINUE walking as if your steps will result in their boredom, or turn and face them…
Dear Christians, Bondage comes in many forms; but one doesn’t have to remain in the SLAVE CHAINS they were born…
Dear Christians, Family MEALS are an opportune time for pausing to DEAL with life; always striving without ceasing is no…
Dear Christians, Defining your neighbor by any scale other than, “Does this person exist?” may promote unintended BIGOTRY among the…