Dear Christians, In the middle of Israel’s suffering YHWH still showed MERCY as gesture of patience. If you are in…
Dear Christians, There are VARIATIONS of the Ten Commandments VIOLATIONS. For example, disrespecting figures with parental guardianship bears a likeness…
Dear Christians, YOU are still dead apart from YESHUA, through WHOM you received new life. Why spend precious time with…
Dear Christians, There are VARIATIONS of the Ten Commandments VIOLATIONS. For example, blaspheming the Holy Spirit by acting contrary bears…
Dear Christians, WHEN the WINDS of change arrive, will you be prepared? CONDITIONS become harsher as a result of hardened…
Dear Christians, Are YOU ATTUNED to the SIGNS of DIVINE judgment in your NATION. Perhaps the Spirit’s gifts of healing…
Dear Christians, YOU are failing TO DO your DUTY in REFUSING to pass judgment on your brothers and sisters leading…
Dear Christians, It would BEHOOVE those of YOU WHO DO TO stop VIEWING the Biblical cherubim through romantic lenses. They…
Dear Christians, There are VARIATIONS of the Ten Commandments VIOLATIONS. For example, DEVOTING all of your time to another human…
Dear Christians, There are VARIATIONS of the Ten Commandments VIOLATIONS. For example, lying to your employer bears a LIKENESS to…