Dear Christians, The wicked have no right to enjoy the same blessings YOU DO as obedient servants of YHWH and…
Dear Christians, Your FRIENDS may indeed STICK with YOU THROUGH THICK and THIN, but none are your God. Each are…
Dear Christians, What about YHWH are you prepared to RELAY…to the next generation? Marquis
Dear Christians, YHWH’s MAJESTY is worth CONSIDERING- often. He is both FATHER and RULER. It will help to keep the…
Dear Christians, In a world full of INEQUALITIES, at birth mankind’s total depravity is UNIVERSAL. All arrive lost as ENEMIES…
Dear Christians, Why do you struggle with PRAYING aloud in groups? Do you fear speaking incorrectly? Yeshua provided the model.…
Dear Christians, Running for cover into the arms of the world when evil seeks you out is disadvantageous. Disappointment doesn’t…
Dear Christians, The strength of YOUR salvation is the Holy Spirit, who equips with the POWER to obey YHWH’s Law.…
Dear Christians, You are not all-knowing as it relates to your future or others. You might get along better if…
Dear Christians, In your fervor to spread the Gospel- to enlarge the Kingdom, your expectations ought be realistic- for timing…