Exodus chp.4

Dear Christians, Some people need evidence to BELIEVE; it is impossible for them to CONCEIVE of the possibility that someone once in…

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Exodus chp.3

Dear Christians, Continuous disobedience begets DESTRUCTION; choosing a life of CORRUPTION will certainly ensure that suffering ensues and you will…

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Exodus chp.2

Dear Christians, Compassion is not for having, but showing; COMPASSION without ACTION is useless…like a barren TREE in the dead of summer…

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Exodus chp.1

Dear Christians, Never tolerate unscrupulous conduct; remaining silent out of TREPIDATION is a clear INDICATION that you are not committed…

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Genesis chp.50

Dear Christians, Some things buried need resurrecting and fast, lest the covered dirt asphyxiates those still living; hiding from the…

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Genesis chp.49

Dear Christians, Do not SPEND an INHERITANCE unwisely; others will soon despise  and the debts ACCRUED from monies ABUSED will…

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Genesis chp.47

Dear Christians, While on the job, working hard is better than hardly working, as the clock is ticking; your work ETHIC should…

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Genesis chp.46

Dear Christians, Reunions can offer restoration where there is brokenness; in some instances PERMANENCE doesn’t offer the CHANCE for healing…

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