Dear Christians, Death is an inevitable part of LIFE; any INNER-STRIFE related to the idea should CEASE…live in PEACE. Marquis
Dear Christians, Sacrifices are meant to be difficult because in giving up you are being STRETCHED; and what remains shall…
Dear Christians, Embracing new BEGINNINGS necessitates saying goodbye; but not all goodbyes…have good ENDINGS. Marquis
Dear Christians, True healing rarely takes place OVERNIGHT; many BLIGHTS require multiple steps…before any signs of recovery. Marquis
Dear Christians, Looking back has VALUE when YOU keep what you see in perspective; staring too long may impair your…
Dear Christians, Interceding for ANOTHER regardless of their skin COLOR is right; your looking out may really help someone else…
Dear Christians, Sibling RIVARLY can withstand any FIRE if those involved will pause and consider; burning up…benefits no one. Marquis
Dear Christians, Contemptuous LOOKS, as if you have already read the BOOK, are vile; people need more than passing glances…before…
Dear Christians, Living in FEAR as if disaster is always NEAR is unwise and stifling; constant uneasiness can easily be…
Dear Christians, Many causes are worth fighting for, but battles don’t have to bloody to achieve one’s OBJECTIVE of…AFFECTING change.…